Hard words:
Toiling time- time spent in hard physical work.
Through - over
Utter (v)- speak.
Utter(adj)- complete, absolute, total
Cheerful- gay, happy, merry
Greeting- polite words or sign of welcome.
Came along-arrived, accompanied someone.
Churlish-rude, i'll mannered.
Howdy- an informal friendly greeting, (How are you?)
Vanish- disappear
Throng- a large crowd
Rushed (v)-moved with urgent haste,ran towards something in hurry
Rushed(n)-sudden quick movement towards something.
Mighty- gigantic, vast, strong, powerful.
Deed- doing
Part(ing) with- to give up, let go
Slipping fast- going or moving quickly, sliding, here getting over
Rejoice-joy, glee, thrill, mirth
Fading- gradually growing faint, disappearing, here losing hope
Courage- bravery
Sorely- extremely hard, painfully, mortally
Trail(n)-a mark or a series of signs or objects left behind by the passage of someone.
Trail(v)-leave behind
Scar- scratch, wound
Discontent- dissatisfaction
Earned- rewarded, deserved to live for one more day
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